Hyber is a specialist
Cyber Security search firm.

At our firm, we have established a reputation as a reliable and trusted partner for businesses throughout the Asia Pacific region. Our team is committed to delivering the best possible candidates to our clients, whether they are seeking an Analyst, CISO, Account Executive, or VP. We recognize that the talent war in cybersecurity is one of the biggest challenges that organizations face, and we are well-positioned to help them win it.

As experts in the field, we understand that the landscape of cyber threats is constantly evolving, and we believe that attracting top talent is the key to staying ahead of the curve. Our recruitment process is designed to identify candidates who possess not only the technical skills and experience required for the role but also the personal qualities and cultural fit that will help them thrive within the organization. By partnering with us, our clients can be confident that they will have the right team in place to meet their cybersecurity challenges head-on

“For nearly a decade I have played a key role in helping some of the world's most recognised cyber security tech companies land and expanded in the APAC region.

During this time I have also helped guide CISOs across FSI, Media, FMCG, and Critical infrastructure into their next challenge and carried on to successfully build teams around them.

The recruitment industry has become a victim to overinflated promises and fluffy marketing tactics, I started Hyber back in 2020 with a vision to focus purely on where we can add value and nothing more - finding the right people, at speed and delivering them with precision, repeatably.”

– Josh Littlewood, Founder